Mayko Bags celebrate the 10-year birthday of Messenger & Manila Bags!

Allow yourself to give yourself this special desire Messenger Bag or Manila Bag in one unique of kind discount of 35 % OFF
Only For Two Weeks.
These babies were born 10 years ago; he and his twin brother immediately became the most desired bags, our #1 for 10 years.

Our biggest bestsellers that lead 10 years in a row
Manila bag and messenger bag.

At the special price in the color and shade of Otanati Brown!
They are leaders in fashion at all times, and they have been and will be.
In this special celebration, we decided to give a special discount of 35 Percent Off

This is the first time this has happened in Mayko Bags!
And it's only for two weeks!

After that, they go back to their standard price!

This is the first time at Mayko Bags that a Messenger bag and a Manila bag get a discount!

It's in honor of their birthday.
They are 10 years old.

× One-time discount, and will not repeat itself!